#MotivationMonday (+ Book Reccomendation)
As yet another Monday begins (Trust me, I wish they'd stop being a thing too), I wanted to send a little bit of motivation your way. To know me is to know how much I appreciate language, and I promise I'm not overly selective. I fall in love with phrases, sentence fragments, paragraphs, song lyrics, even single syllable words once in a while; I make sure to stop and notice beautiful vocabulary when I see it. Through this blog, I'm hoping to instill this passion in you guys as well, so I have decided to share a quote that I love every Monday. It's a way to start the week off on the right foot.
Without further ado, I give you the first #MotivationMonday.
"You create the world, blink by blink. It is entirely yours to discover and yours to create." - Sophia Amoruso, #GirlBoss
This week, the quote comes with a bonus: a recommendation to read the book that houses these inspirational words, #GirlBoss. For those of you who binge-watched the Netflix series (I'm right there with you, no shame) and those of you who've never even heard the name, I would highly, highly, highly encourage you to pick up the book! It's full of life & inspiration, as well as some female-empowerment, which we all deserve a lot more of. If I haven't sold you yet, the cover's color scheme is a very aesthetically-pleasing combination of blush pink, black, and white, so it can even turn into a great coffee table book when you're done reading; a win-win situation at it's finest. Actually, scratch that. It's on Amazon Prime, so you can have it at your door in two days. I'd call that a win-win-win. Ultimately, I think there's one reason why I love this quote so much. Oftentimes, I find myself feeling trapped by invisible boundaries. I can't ever start a blog because people will think it's weird. I can't travel the world at a young age because I need to be fiscally responsible. I can't write a book that will be any good because I don't have anything important to say. I can't be a Finance major because that's for guys. I can't wear a tight dress because I don't have the body for it.
The list of things I've convinced myself that I can't do could go on and on for hours, but could attempting these "taboo" ideas potentially make me happy? Yes. Is there any physical restraint holding me back from trying? No. Who made the decision to avoid them at all costs? Me.
There it is, the root of the problem. Me. In my everyday life, I completely forget that at the end of the day, I have a final say in what I do and how I live. When I read these two sentences, I stopped and thought about how different I would act if I remembered that every second of my day is chosen by me. If I'm unhappy, I can choose to leave a situation. If I have a goal, I can choose to take every action to chase it. If I want to see the world, I can stand up, drive to the airport, and book a flight. I'm on this earth for however long I'm meant to be, and I deserve every second of my life to look exactly how I want it to.
So do you.
I hope you're feeling a little inspired today, and I hope you go create and discover the world you're hoping to see.
until next time,
xoxo madison
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